It was just Halloween and what better time to give up a bit of blood for a good cause.
Actually, anytime is a good time to give blood because you never know when someone you care about is going to need some. That's why
Nationwide Title Clearing (NTC) employees recently organized what turned out to be a very successful blood drive.
About a week before Halloween, the company partnered with Florida Blood Services, a non-profit organization working to ensure that there is enough blood for everyone who needs it, to hold an event at the company's office here in Palm Harbor.
As NTC Senior Vice President
Erika Lance put it, “We see this as a way to support our community and to ensure that people that need help receive it. We were able to collect a total of 35 pints which represented approximately 25% of our workforce. We were told that a typical drive like this collects an average of 10%, so we view this as a huge success and reflects on our employee’s generosity and devotion to their community.”
Florida Blood Services provides blood for patients in the greater Tampa Bay area, including the counties of Pasco, Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee. The company collects over 750 pints of blood each day. Moreover, 38 hospitals and 80 ambulatory care centers rely on FBS for whole blood, blood products and other services.
We are very proud of our employees. They realize that a person cannot just sit back and assume that someone else will take responsibility for donating blood and potentially saving lives.
“Instead, we all see a way to make a difference by our actions,” Erika said.
In addition to collecting blood, FBS is a testing resource for 30 East Coast blood centers and medical facilities from Maine to Puerto Rico. It subjects every blood sample that these blood centers send or that FBS collects to more than 12 hours of screening and testing before it is released for patient use.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this great event at NTC!
Event Organizers: (from left) Joellen Raiti, Star Hillman, FBS Representative and Erika Lance. |
The blood mobile at NTC's office in Palm Harbor, FL. |