Nationwide Title Clearing hosted another successful blood drive at its offices on Friday, March 18, 2011. The effort is in partnership with Florida Blood Services, a non-profit organization working to ensure that there is enough blood for everyone who needs it.
“We were happy to host another blood drive and to help such a great cause,” said Erika Lance, senior vice president at Nationwide Title Clearing. “We collected 38 units, which we were told exceeded expectations. I would like to thank all the Nationwide Title Clearing employees that volunteered and let them know we appreciate their continued generosity and devotion to helping others. I would also like to thank our wonderful Florida Blood Services Mobile Unit Team that made this a very positive experience for everyone. We see this drive as a huge success and are looking forward to the next one.”
Florida Blood Services provides blood for patients in the greater Tampa Bay area, including the counties of Pasco, Pinellas, Hillsborough, and Manatee. The company collects over 750 pints of blood each day. Moreover, 38 hospitals and 80 ambulatory care centers rely on FBS for whole blood, blood products and other services. For more information about FSB, visit the website at http://www.fbsblood.org/.
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